Well-versed in CEQA/NEPA Compliance for a variety of project sizes.
Environmental Planning
CSG’s Environmental Planning team provides environmental review and project management services to prepare clear, concise, and legally defensible environmental documents under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)/National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) for a variety of project sizes across California. The environmental team is well-versed in CEQA/NEPA compliance and has experience with industrial, residential, commercial, capital improvement, and planning projects.
Our Services
CEQA documents and technical analyses, including Initial Studies (ISs), Negative Declarations (NDs), Mitigated Negative Declarations (MNDs), and (Supplemental, Addendum, Program) Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs)
Peer reviews of technical studies or CEQA documents
Environmental Assessments (EAs)
Categorial Exclusions (Cat Exs)
Findings of No Significant Impact (FONSI) per NEPA
Responses to Comments
Statements of Overriding Consideration
Findings and Facts
CEQA trainings
Development of jurisdictional standards for the CEQA process