1440 Multiversity


City of Scotts Valley, CA


  • Building & Safety
  • Fire Prevention

This project involved reconditioning, repurposing, rebuilding of seven old structures that previously  comprised a private college campus. In addition to the reconditioned buildings, there are also four new buildings to replace previously lost buildings, or to add additional program capabilities. Structures range in uses from the administrative lodge building, to dormitories, meeting rooms, a large commercial kitchen and dining hall, fitness center, healing center, and outdoor auditorium. All structures have been updated to the current building and fire codes and as a result, have been retrofitted with fire sprinkler systems and fire alarm systems. CSG team members were responsible for fire plan reviews for all phases of the building and grounds (e.g., access, water supplies and fire lanes) including assistance during project design. Plan reviews included CASp, water system upgrade and replacement, fire sprinkler systems, fire suppression systems and fire alarm systems. In addition, CSG’s team performed CASp, building and fire inspections.

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